THE PRODUCTS: Stainbrick products are used by some of the largest brick tinting companies and they are renowned for their quality. We supply a range of base colour concentrates, fixing agents and essential equipment specifically designed for mobile site operations.

THE STARTER PACK: 'The Brick Stain Business in a Box and Bucket' is the ideal springboard for those seeking to set up a brick tinting service to either complement their existing business activities or as a stand-alone operation. It is the perfect way to familiarise yourself with the art of brick and mortar tinting.

THE PRICE: Economical - No expensive franchise commitments!

For only £499 (650USD approx) + VAT/TAX and shipping, this is the low-cost way to enter the brick tinting market. No franchise commitments. We provide you with vital information and the raw materials used by the major brick tinting companies and you mix them yourselves to suit various projects and applications.

INDEPENDENCE: As we have no control over how you mix the raw materials, you must carry out your own trials on the finished tinting mixes and offer your own guarantees to your customers. We offer no technical backup except the wealth of information that is contained in The Complete Brick Tinting Manual, which is supplied with the Starter Pack. You maintain full independence from us and are not contracted or obliged to purchase any of our products.

Stainbrick only supply raw materials we do not supply the finished product. 

We suggest the mix designs for you to work from. 

Prospective purchasers must put their own name to the finished product and offer their own guarantees. 

Stain Brick - Brick Stain 
Whichever way you look, it's a great product!